Jag återkommer ju hela tiden till Mark Sisson och hans Primal Fitness och det är ju så för att det han skriver tilltalar mig så väldigt! I boken The Primal Blueprint 21-day total body transformation skriver han bland annat så här:
"It's also important to reject any feelings of compulsion, guilt or negativity about sub-par or missed workouts. Don't worry that slowing down your pace or missing workouts will cause you to get out of shape or gain weight. Appreciate the process of getting fit, being outdoors, challenging your body to expolore your physical limits, and stop attaching your happiness - and self esteem - to results."
"If your body feels sluggish on certain days and you fall short of predetermined goals, understand that fitness improvements comes through an optimal balance of stress and rest. A tired body or stiff, sore muscles are indicators that you are still in the process of getting fitter from previous workouts, provided you take time to recover!"
"Cultivate intuitive skills: On a scale, keep track of your energy level, motivation level, and health/immune function each day, along with the difficulty, performance and satisfaction level of your workout. Strive to get your workout scores in alignment with your subjective scores, taking only what your body gives you each day and nothing more. For example, if you are having a rough day with scores of "4" in energy, motivation, and health, do a moderate workout that rates a "4" on a 1-10 difficulty scale."
Jag gillar! I och för sig kan energinivån ofta ändra sig under passet... Det händer mig ofta och då lägger jag helt enkelt till så mycket jag känner för. Sen får man förstås inte heller glömma att kosten har en stor del i resultatet. Ca 80% av ens "body composition beror enligt Mark på hur man äter och det tror jag faktiskt på.
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